What our Customers say...

Commercial Testimonials

SERVPRO of Piscataway knows their job. Totally impressed with the work they did.

Very thorough and professional. Thank you for all your cooperation.

Chris and Nikko did a quick yet thorough job!

When our offices flooded I had no idea what to do. I called SERVPRO of Piscataway who arrived quickly and handled everything including the building repairs following the dry out.

SERVPRO of Piscataway made a potentially stressful situation much more peaceful. Thank you for your quick response to our flood.

My business had 2 floods within 2 months, it was devastaing to owners and staff just seeing our business close with floors and walls, etc. damaged. SERVPRO of Piscataway was there quickly for the major clean-up. They did a wonderful job and did it with courtesy, caring and respect for our business.

We are in the healthcare business and the rules for clean-up and infection prevention are very specific for this industry. SERVPRO of Piscataway was aware of these rules and regulations and adhered to them. I was very impressed. Thank you SERVPRO of Piscataway.